Are you the Tenant or Landlord?

    I am a:

    Are you looking for:

    Are you looking for:

    Is the property in England or Wales?

    Sorry, we are unable to assist you at this time.

    Based on your answer, we are not able to provide a legal service to help you with this query.

    Alternatively you may be able to find help by contacting a solicitor through The Law Society

    Or you may be able to get advice and assistance from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau

    Does the lease provide for lease assignment?

    Do you object to the lease assignment?

    Why are you withholding your consent?

    Was the lease entered into before 1st January 1996?

    Have you entered into an authorised guarantee agreement with your tenant?

    Is the duration of the lease 7 years or less?

    Do you have a superior landlord that is required to consent to the assignment?

    Will your superior landlord consent to the assignment?

    Do you require an authorised guarantee agreement, a rent deposit or have other requirements before the lease is assigned?

    Is there a mortgage on the property?

    Does your lease provide for lease assignment?

    Will your landlord consent to the assignment of the lease?

    What reason has been given by your landlord for withholding his consent?

    [radio tnap2decline use_label_element default:0 "Rent arrears" "Assignee unsatisfactory" Breach of terms of lease" "Other"]

    Did you enter into your lease before 1st January 1996?

    Have you entered into an authorised guarantee agreement with your landlord?

    Is the duration of the lease 7 years or less?

    Is there a superior landlord for the property?

    What is the approximate value of the lease? (£)

    Will your landlord consent to the assignment of the lease?

    What reason has been given by your landlord for withholding his consent?

    Was the lease entered into before 1st January 1996?

    Is there a superior landlord for the property?

    Will your superior landlord consent to the assignment?

    Have you entered into an authorised guarantee agreement?

    Is the duration of the lease 7 years or less?

    What is the approximate value of the lease?

    First name
    Last name

    Has the lease terms been agreed?

    Is there a mortgage on the property?
    Y/N/Unsure(Tenant Only)

    Is a guarantee required, an authorised guarantee agreement or a deposit for the lease?

    Must the new lease start within the next 3 months?

    What is the proposed yearly rental value of the lease?

    Is there a premium to acquire the lease?

    (T) Do you require any survey or searches to be undertaken before purchasing the lease?

    (L) Are the Landlord's costs Do you require the prospective Tenant to be responsible for your costs?

    Have you agreed to pay the landlord's costs?


    Is the proposed term being granted for more than 7 years?